Human Design

If you are a Human Design enthusiast, you might like to refer to the Human Design charts of the characters as you read these mysteries. To download the designs, input your email address into the pop-up on this page. Then you can refer to the charts as you meet the characters and follow them into Murder by Manuscript.

If you are new to Human Design, welcome! Human Design changed my life profoundly and completely. When I became aware of my Human Design chart and experimented with it, I found a deeper way to accept myself exactly as I am. I spent less time trying to be what I am not. It was a relief and, more than that, brought me a success I’d never experienced. I’m an Advisor so success is my thing. For Generators, it’s satisfaction, for Manifestors, it’s peace, and for Reflectors it’s surprise.

This is true for us and also for the characters in my books. The characters may not completely understand their Human Design Chart, but at least the main characters are aware of theirs. These main characters, August and Julia Burns and, in the next book in the series, Henry and Kit, are based on the designs of my own grandchildren. These children are having the experience of being raised by parents who are aware of human design and live their lives consistent with their own designs. What a grand experiment!

What would it be like for you if you had lived your entire life with awareness of your Human Design type, raised by parents who accepted you as the unique being you are?

And if you were raised this way, what would happen if when you grew up, you were faced with intense, murder and mayhem situations?

August Burns is a Manifestor type who has an undeniably strong impact on people–usually, they don’t like him. He questions everything, doesn’t like to be told what to do, wants to be left alone, and is tapped into a deeper sense of knowing than most people. The man has gifts! And, as he is fond of lamenting, he seems to attract darkness. He ends up having to solve murders and fight against the odds to bring murderers to justice.

Whether characters in the books know their designs or not, almost every one of them has been created based on the specific Human Design Chart. Each one has a depth and realism that comes from the way Human Design mechanics influence behavior.

For more information on Human Design or to find what your own design is (for free), click on this link for Jovian Archive.


mom chart
Susan's Human Design Chart